During What The Hack!, the BlinkenArea was encircled by construction lights. They were blinking all in a tumble, because they were not phased so far. Since HAR, the construction lights are operated by full flashlight support. The Chaos Construction Light Controller 32 (CCLC32) provides 32 outputs, which can be connected to construction lights, when those are rebuilt in a certain way. A serial interface can receive CCLC32 data from BlinkenOutput. Furthermore, a running light-function is integrated as well.

A scheme and a part list can be found on the CCLS32 page at our Wiki.

NEW: Project Glider

The building, in which project bluebox took place, had been built in 1967. Shortly after the German Reunification, all inhabitants started to move out. Almost each of them left behind a nice ceiling light in his or her flat. In the run-up to HAR2009, nine of the old lamps went into action again. After cleaning and repairing them, they were arranged as a 3×3 matrix. Now, they are showing the appropriate hacker symbol Glider, which refers the the hacker culture around free software and open source. See Wikipedia for further information..

HAR 2009 - Hacker Glider
HAR 2009 – Hacker Glider

bluebox Movie available on YouTube!

The amazing documentation video of project bluebox is finally available on the internet!

We had to keep it from the public until now, because music was employed, that can only be used against payment of a fee to the performing rights society (GEMA), when the movie is supposed to be publicly available. Now, ST set the movie to music again with music free of GEMA charges. Enjoy it!

HAR: BlinkenArea Presentation

Yesterday afternoon, we had our presentation about the BlinkenArea and our flashlight projects. Unfortunately, the tent was not full to capacity, because the weather was very well for the first time. Nevertheless, we got a lot of positive feedback and we would like to thank those, who joined the presentation. Some of you asked for more technical details after it. Apparently, we should hold two different presentations during one event to get you all satisfied.

Thanks to Sascha for the nice pictures! Get more on!

HAR: Movie Contest

The BlinkenArea arranged a movie competition and would like to invite you to enter the contest during the next few days. The objective is to create movies for TroiCade, that is placed in the HARcade Village, with resolution 32 by 24. All animations will be shown on the project as soon as you send them in. In the run-up to HAR, a jury was assembled to choose the best three movies. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the event.

You can find information about how to create your own movie on HAR Movie Contest pages of the BlinkenArea Wiki. Please submit your animation by 16th August, 2009 at 11pm. Send it to contest ‘at’ If you have any questions, please drop us a line, call the BlinkenArea (DECT #2023) or visit us at BlinkenArea Village in our nice tent.

BlinkenArea Shirts

Pünktlich zur HAR2009 sind die ersten Teile der BlinkenArea-Kollektion fertig.  🙂 Danke an alle, die daran beteiligt waren, besonders an Efelon für das gro?artige Logo und die Schriftart sowie an die Schneiderei der JVA Chemnitz.

BlinkenArea Shirts

HAR2009 – Insider News

Es zwitschert aus allen Ecken des Netzes, alle 3000 Karten der Hacking at Random sind ausverkauft. Unglaublich! Auf Heise security wird vor Eintrittskarten aus unseriöser Quelle gewarnt. Einer der Hauptgründe für den Ansturm ist die Anwesenheit der Gruppe BlinkenArea die neben ihren bekannten Medienkunstprojekten der Superlative auch angeblich neue Projekte veröffentlichen wird. Beispielsweise soll es eine Controllerplatine für Baustellenleuchten, sowie Pixelplatinen mit jeweils 64 LEDs die man beliebig kombinieren kann geben. Laut unbestätigten Insiderkreisen wurde in der letzten Woche ein Modell des Blinkenlights Stereoscope Projektes fertig gestellt, welches am Ende des Vortrages beautifulism & [de]light – Next generation of BlinkenArea projects am Tag 1, dem 13.08.2009 um 16:00 der Weltöffentlichkeit präsentiert werden soll. Wir werden berichten … .

BlinkenArea joins HAR2009

HAR Logo

In August, the international technology and security conference Hacking at Random takes place in the Netherlands. We are going to join the event

For further information and the program visit the HAR website. Of course, we created an own event page on, where you can find detailed information, soon.

CLT2009 Interview – RadioTux

Auf den Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen 2009 gab es wie im letzten Jahr ein Interview bei RadioTux. Allerdings war das Ergebnis wieder etwas sonderlich. Leicht übersteuert und im Stereofile ist nur links etwas zu hören. Leute da müsst Ihr euch noch verbessern. 😉 Nach einer clipped peak restauration und konvertieren in Mono, ist es erträglich. Das Ergebnis ist in der Gallery direkt hörbar, ein Link zum download gibt es dort auch.

Clt2009 - BlinkenArea - RadioTux

Beim rumstöbern im RadioTux Archiv, habe ich noch das Interview von cavac gefunden. Er spricht über BlinkenSisters. Das Gespräch ist ebenfalls überarbeitet in der Gallery zu finden.